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File List | 1994-05-16 | 10.5 KB | 135 lines |
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- │ 19 - Religious Programs and Materials │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- 17EVOL.ZIP 11084 03-23-94 Religious attempt to argue with
- | science/evolution.
- ACTS301.ZIP 178678 03-26-94 ACTS 3.0 EGA Bible maps, text and quiz
- | An interactive Bible atlas and quiz
- | based on the N.T. book of Acts. Visually
- | follow the journeys of the 1st century
- | apostles as you read.
- ATSCREEN.ZIP 28282 02-08-94 Scripture screen: a non-TSR screen
- | saver that displays a selected bible
- | verse in varying positions and colors on
- | the screen. Requires EGA or better
- | graphics. Shareware.
- BCOMP500.ZIP 190675 04-21-94 A BIBLE COMPANION 5.0. Electronic
- | handbook. A handy and informative
- | Bible study tool containing: 1) daily
- | Bible reading plan, 2) Charts, 3) Maps
- | (with city/region word search), 4)
- | Dictionary, 5) Poetry & riddles, 6) Many
- | articles on Bible study, translations,
- | and hermeneutics. Plus more.
- BIBDAYO1.ZIP 73124 03-07-94 BIBDAY/2 1.0 for OS/2: Bible Verse of
- | the Day.
- BIBLEP10.ZIP 1041265 03-18-94 BIBLE PLUS 1.0. New Testament, New KJV
- | Bible research and lookup tool. Windows
- | version! Quickly looks up verses and
- | builds essays for Bible study. Can
- | attach notes to any verse. Fast and
- | easy to use. By Contact Plus Corp.
- BIBLEVRS.ZIP 120021 03-16-94 Start your computing session with a
- | Scriptural Verse.
- BNET7.ZIP 11973 02-16-94 Information and setup for BibleNet.
- BYGRACE.ZIP 334214 03-10-94 WONDERFUL GRACE: An excellent
- | soft-book treatise on the biblical
- | Doctrines of Grace. Req: VGA/Mouse.
- CAWBASIC.ZIP 50445 03-17-94 Church Of All Worlds Introductory
- | Package collection of texts about The
- | Church Of All Worlds.
- FACE_GOD.ZIP 8610 02-19-94 The Face of God: Original Christian
- | poetry in text and GeoWrite 2.0 format.
- FEMINIST.ZIP 27391 02-03-94 Biblical response to feminist agenda.
- FRONT200.ZIP 151237 04-22-94 FRONTLETS 2.0: VGA Bible verse screen
- | saver An attractive VGA screen saver
- | with a Bible theme. A different verse
- | appears every 10 seconds in LARGE
- | hi-resolution graphics. Sure to draw
- | attention. Includes setup/configuration
- | utility.
- GKJOHN.ZIP 43782 02-09-94 The Book of John from the New Testament
- | in unaccented Greek. Word Perfect 5.1.
- GWW1201.ZIP 139226 03-14-94 God's Word for Windows 1.2. MS-Windows
- | Bible research program; contains entire
- | King James version, Matthew Henry's
- | Concise Commentary and Easton's Bible
- | Dictionary, and a 270 user extensible
- | topic topical index; supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase
- | searches; will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying
- | the scriptures.
- GWW1224.ZIP 178079 02-26-94 God's Word for Windows 1.2. MS-Windows
- | Bible research program; contains entire
- | King James version, Matthew Henry's
- | Concise Commentary and Easton's Bible
- | Dictionary, and a 270 user extensible
- | topic topical index; supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase
- | searches; will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying
- | the scriptures.
- KJV105.ZIP 163187 04-20-94 KJVocabulary 1.05: King James Bible
- | quiz Is the King James Version full of
- | hard archaic words? Through a quiz
- | interface learn the meaning of all those
- | tough Bible words, like "concupiscence."
- | Also features a handy dictionary, and
- | printouts. Fun & interesting way to
- | increase one's knowledge of the Bible.
- LDS0194.ZIP 12831 03-24-94 Application for the LDS Net mail system.
- | At last! A netmail strictly for members
- | of the Church of Jesus Christ of
- | Latterday Saints (the Mormons).
- | Includes many church-specific
- | conferences. This system is one of a
- | kind! Join up today!
- MNVEXE.ZIP 126660 02-02-94 MNV Study Bible Program.
- MVERSE32.ZIP 104405 04-20-94 MEMORY VERSE 3.2. Bible verse helps
- | user to memorize important Scripture
- | passages. Many verses included. User
- | can add/edit to database of verses.
- | Mouse and printer support. KJV & NIV.
- NT4W155.ZIP 667212 03-21-94 New Testament for Windows 1.55. Features
- | the complete New Testament of the King
- | James Bible in an intuitive, easy-to-use
- | interface. Included is a powerful text
- | search, color maps, time line, personal
- | notes linked to the corresponding Scrip-
- | ture, tutorial, context-sensitive help,
- | and study aids with topical hypertext
- | links to events, parables and miracles
- | in the life of Christ.
- | Complete Bible program. Over 15 Bibles
- | available. Separate Demo database is
- | limited for BBS distribution. Full
- | function program. ALSO READS MOST
- | ONLINE BIBLE 5 & 6 FILES! Easy Bible
- | browse, fast search, exhaustive word
- | list, user notes, Hypertext, more!
- SMDOS23B.ZIP 141028 02-15-94 SeedMaster 2.3. A KJV Bible concord-
- | ance. This archive includes the special
- | KJV Gospel of John database.
- SQ502.ZIP 142738 04-20-94 SCRIPTURE QUEST. In-depth Bible Q&A
- | game. Tests Bible knowledge with over
- | 1600 questions. 1-9 players. Play
- | against the clock. Top ten score chart.
- | Great way to learn about the Bible.
- | Very attractively done, and challenging.
- VINE301.ZIP 95360 04-20-94 GRAPE VINE 3.0: Colorful EGA Bible
- | game Very similar in play to "Wheel Of
- | Fortune" and "Hangman", but now with a
- | new twist! EGA & hard disk required.
- WARN5.ZIP 15445 02-22-94 Warning to the churches: False
- | doctrines.
- WARN6.ZIP 19320 02-13-94 Warning to the churches: Fallible
- | ministers.
- XWORDS09.ZIP 150250 03-02-94 Bible Crossword Puzzles - Attractive
- | VGA game. Solve electronic crossword
- | puzzles on your computer. Answer peek,
- | save work options featured. Requires
- | mouse, VGA & hard disk.